
Plansis is een Softwarebedrijf gelegen aan Gele Rijders Plein 17, 2R in Arnhem.

Meer informatie over Plansis in Arnhem

We specialize in data management, analytics, and business intelligence for reporting applications. We build robust data entry, configuration, and calculation-driven apps in the cloud or on-premise. We also offer consulting services to help innovate your planning and forecasting process. One of our clients, Ad van der Linden, worked with Maxim (PLANSIS) to develop an application for the ANWB Alarm Centrale. This application uses algorithms to predict call volume based on expected weather conditions and traffic forecasts, resulting in amazing results. Another client, Alliander PM manager, uses our MS Case app to integrate MS Project and standardize engineering processes using generic project templates. They are able to automate planning rules and create new projects in seconds. We have a diverse range of clients and our CEO, Maxim Ivashkov, thanks you for visiting our website.

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